; h SF 4, h CF 4 HP67 Logging started. ; M1=4fff0000006e8e S= .1.......9...... ; A= 003fff35f5108e C= 00000000000000; P= 12 ; do_function: (0x8e = h SF 4) 06027 a -> rom address ; A[2,1] = 0x08 = 0000 1000 = 00 001 000 = 010 06010 if n/c go to 06266 ; ***** h SF 4 06266 jsb 06335 ; if code.lower >= 10 set S 12 .06335 a exchange c[x] ; A= 003fff35f51000 C= 0000000000008e .06336 c -> a[x] ; A= 003fff35f5108e .06337 p <- 0 ; P= 0 .06340 c + 1 -> c[p] ; C= 0000000000008f .06341 if n/c go to 06344 .06344 load constant 10 ; C= 0000000000008a P= 13 .06345 1 -> s 12 ; S= .1.......9..c... .06346 if a >= c[x] .06347 then go to 06362 .06362 return 06267 if 1 = s 12 06270 then go to 07422 07422 a + 1 -> a[w] ; A= 003fff35f5108f 07423 jsb 07430 ; set P to flag nibble .07430 jsb 07706 ; select ram bank 3, mainly ..07706 p <- 1 ; P= 1 ..07707 load constant 3 ; C= 0000000000003a P= 0 ..07710 c -> addr ..07711 data register -> c 15 ; ram[63] -> C= 00000000000000 ..07712 return .07431 data register -> c 14 ; ram[62] -> C= 00000012220000 (flags etc) .07432 p <- 12 ; P= 12 .07433 shift left a[x] ; A= 003fff35f518f0 .07434 shift left a[x] ; A= 003fff35f51f00 .07435 p + 1 -> p ; P= 13 .07436 a + 1 -> a[xs] ; A= 003fff35f51000 .07437 if n/c go to 07435 .07440 return 07424 load constant 1 ; C= 10000012220000 P= 12 (=SF 4) 07425 c -> data register 14 ; c -> ram[62] (=10000012220000) 07426 delayed rom 00 07427 if n/c go to 0074 ; ***** END ; clean up after a function 00074 ... HP67 Logging started. ; M1=8e4fff0000006e S= .1.......9...... ; A= 004fff35f6106e C= 00000000000000 P= 12 ; do_function: (0x6e = h CF 4) 06027 a -> rom address ; A[2,1] = 0x06 = 0000 0110 = 00 000 110 = 006 06006 if n/c go to 06040 ; ***** h CF 4 06040 1 -> s 6 ; S= .1....6..9...... 06041 p <- 0 ; P= 0 06042 load constant 10 ; C= 0000000000000a P= 13 06043 p <- 0 ; P= 0 06044 delayed rom 017 06045 if n/c go to 07476 07476 if 1 = s 6 07477 then go to 07460 07460 if a >= c[p] 07461 then go to 07413 07413 a + 1 -> a[p] ; A= 004fff35f6106f 07414 if n/c go to 07417 07417 jsb 07430 ; set P to flag nibble (as above) ; (ram[62] -> C= 10000012220000 P= 13 A= 004fff35f61000) 07420 load constant 0 ; C= 00000012220000 P= 12 07421 if n/c go to 07425 07425 c -> data register 14 ; c -> ram[62] (=00000012220000) 07426 delayed rom 00 07427 if n/c go to 0074 ; ***** END ; clean up after a function 00074 ...