HP67 Logging started. ; A= 0000fffffff100 B= 03000000000022 S= .........9...... P= 11 (00167 - 00213 wait loop) 00214 display off 00215 b exchange c[w] ; B= 00000000000000 C= 03000000000022 00216 CRC 400 00217 keys to a ; A= 0000fffffff720 ... ; A= 0000fffffff250 P= 1 00254 m1 exch c ; C= 00000000000000 M1=03000000000400 00255 delayed rom 03 00256 a -> rom address ; 25= 0010 0101 = 00 100 101 = 045 ; ; [0] 01445 if n/c go to 01613 01613: if 1 = s 4 ; S4==1: GTO f 0, f 0, g 0, STO 0, STO [+-*/] 0, RCL 0, h 0 01614: then go to 01654 01615: if 0 = s 6 ; S4==0 && S6==0: GTO 0, GTO . 0, GTO . n 0, GTO . n n 0, DSP 0, f GSB 0, f LBL 0 01616: then go to 01643 01617: if 1 = s 7 ; S4==0 && S6==1 && S7==1: g GSB f 0, g LBL f 0, 01620: then go to 01656 01621: if 1 = s 10 ; S4==0 && S6==1 && S7==0 && S10==1: h F? 0 01622: then go to 01476 01623: if n/c go to 01474 ; S4==0 && S6==1 && S7==0 && S10==0: h SF 0, h CF 0 01643: if 0 = s 8 ; S4==0 && S6==0 && S8==0: GTO 0, DSP 0, f GSB 0, f LBL 0 01644: then go to 01654 01645: c + 1 -> c[xs] 01646: if c[xs] # 0 ; S4==0 && S6==0 && S8==1 && M1[xs] was 0xf: GTO . 0, GTO . n 0 01647: then go to 01755 01650: a exchange c[w] ; S4==0 && S6==0 && S8==1 && M1[xs] wasn't 0xf: GTO . n n 0 01651: shift left a[x] 01652: a exchange c[w] 01653: if n/c go to 01570 01654: if c[p] # 0 01655: then go to 01566 01656: load constant 1 01657: if n/c go to 01566 01566 delayed rom 01 01567 if n/c go to 0437 00437 c -> a[w] ; A= 00000000000010 00440 m1 exch c ; C= 03000000000400 M1=00000000000010 00441 delayed rom 02 00442 jsb 01205 01205 0 -> s 4 01206 0 -> s 6 01207 0 -> s 7 01210 0 -> s 8 01211 0 -> s 10 01212 0 -> s 13 01213 return 00443 if 1 = s 11 00444 then go to 0340 00445 delayed rom 014 00446 if n/c go to 06021 06021 m1 -> c ; C= 00000000000010 06022 c -> a[x] 06023 0 -> a[xs] 06024 b -> c[w] ; C= 00000000000000 06025 p <- 12 ; P= 12 06026 0 -> s 3 06027 a -> rom address ... (00167 - 00213 wait loop)