HP-65 Display X in FIXed mode

Here’s how we get X displayed when we’re in FIXed display mode.

The process summarizes to:
if A & B aren’t already valid from last time (f3)
– if (w/prgm) do something else (s3)
– if (SCI mode) do something else too (M[1])
– 04164 Display X in FIX mode
– create mask in B (29999999999999)
– move it right by exponent digits (eg 0002999999999)
– round X in A to precision (M[2])
– add holes in mask to rhs of “.” to precision
– blank out the exponent ’cause this is FIXed mode
– turn the display on
end if

if f3 is 0 and A & B are already valid, the display must still be on because it jumps to after that point.

The microcode looks like:

00531 0 -> s3
00532 1 -> f2
00533 1 -> p                             ; P= 1
00534 c <-> m                            ; C= 00000000000221 M =05432100000004
00535 0 -> s11
00536 0 -> f3                            ; S= ...........b
00537 if s3 = 0                          ; if in RUN mode
00540 goto 00552
; else see "display program step" instead

00552 if s11 = 0                         ; if f3 was clear before now
00553 goto 00764                         ; we can skip the following (A & B already valid)

; setup A & B for display
00554 if c[p] = 0
00555 goto 00616                         ; display X in SCI notation
00556 c - 1 -> c[p]                      ; C= 00000000000211
00557 if c[p] = 0
00560 goto 00616                         ; display X in SCI notation
00561 load 2                             ; C= 00000000000221 P= 0
00562 delayed select group 1
00563 rom 0

; display X in FIX notation
04164 jsb 04101                          ; create mask in B with "2" where "." should be
.04101 dispoff
.04102 c -> a[x]                         ; A= 98000000000221 (precision,mode,ang)
.04103 c <-> m                           ; C= 05432100000004 M =00000000000221
.04104 shiftr a[x]                       ; A= 98000000000022
.04105 shiftr a[x]                       ; A= 98000000000002 (precision)
.04106 0 -> p
.04107 if c[m] >= 1                      ; if mantissa=0 04111 would set exp=0 too
.04110 goto 04112
.04112 b <-> c[w]                        ; B= 05432100000004 C= 00000000000000
.04113 0 -> c[w]
.04114 c - 1 -> c[w]                     ; C= 99999999999999 (mask)
.04115 c + 1 -> c[s]                     ; C= 09999999999999
.04116 c + 1 -> c[s]                     ; C= 19999999999999
.04117 c + 1 -> c[s]                     ; C= 29999999999999 (2 mask)
.04120 b <-> c[w]                        ; B= 29999999999999 C= 05432100000004
.04121 0 -> f2
.04122 return
04165 a + c -> a[x]                      ; A= 98000000000006 =precision+exponent
04166 jsb 04266
.04266 a + 1 -> a[x]                     ; A= 98000000000007 =precision+exponent+1 = digits
.04267 12 -> p                           ; P= 12
.04270 goto 04124
.04124 a - 1 -> a[x]                     ; A= 98000000000006
.04125 goto 04206
.04206 if p # 2
.04207 goto 04123
.04123 p - 1 -> p                        ; P= 11
.04124 a - 1 -> a[x]                     ; A= 98000000000005
.04125 goto 04206
; P= 10 A= 98000000000004
; P= 9  A= 98000000000003
; P= 8  A= 98000000000002
; P= 7  A= 98000000000001
; P= 6  A= 98000000000000
; P= 5  A= 98000000000999
.04125 goto 04206
; P = digits blanked on the right 
.04126 0 -> a[w]                         ; A= 00000000000000
; copy the blanked frac to A, & the exponent
.04127 c -> a[wp]                        ; A= 00000000000004
; round the value (2*undisplayed frac adds 1 if >=0.5)
.04130 a + c -> a[m]                     ; A= 05432100000004
.04131 goto 04135
.04135 a -> b[x]                         ; B= 29999999999004
.04136 return
04167 if a[xs] >= 1                      ; if exp sign negative
04170 goto 04364
; about to shift decimal point to the right by exp places
04171 13 -> p                            ; P= 13
04172 p - 1 -> p                         ; P= 12
04173 shiftr b[ms]                       ; B= 02999999999004
04174 a - 1 -> a[x]                      ; A= 05432100000003
04175 goto 04361
04361 if p # 3                           ; but if going into exponent area
04362 goto 04172                         ; do s/thing else
; P= 11 B= 00299999999004 A= 05432100000002
; P= 10 B= 00029999999004 A= 05432100000001
; P= 9  B= 00002999999004 A= 05432100000000
; P= 8  B= 00000299999004 A= 05432100000999
04175 goto 04361
04176 jsb 04272                          ; get prec,mode,ang to a[x]
.04272 c <-> m                           ; C= 00000000000221 M =05432100000004
.04273 c -> a[x]                         ; A= 05432100000221
.04274 c <-> m                           ; C= 05432100000004 M =00000000000221
.04275 return
04177 goto 04151
04151 if a[xs] >= 1                      ; if DSP . 1 or more
04152 goto 04231
; about to open mask holes for digits on rhs of decimal
; a[xs]= precision
; p points to the "." in B
; so code below is "for (; a[xs]>0; a[xs]--) b[p--]=0"
04231 p - 1 -> p                         ; P= 7
04232 if p # 2                           ; but still check not in exp area
04233 goto 04147
04147 0 -> b[p]                          ; B= 00000209999004
04150 a - 1 -> a[xs]                     ; A= 05432100000121
04151 if a[xs] >= 1
04152 goto 04231
04231 p - 1 -> p                         ; P= 6
04232 if p # 2
04233 goto 04147
04147 0 -> b[p]                          ; B= 00000200999004
04150 a - 1 -> a[xs]                     ; A= 05432100000021
04151 if a[xs] >= 1
04152 goto 04231
; always blank out the exponent in FIX mode
04153 0 -> a[x]                          ; A= 05432100000000
04154 a - 1 -> a[x]                      ; A= 05432100000999
04155 a -> b[x]                          ; B= 00000200999999
04156 goto 04321
; put sign of X in a[13]
04321 c -> a[s]
04322 if s5 = 0
04323 goto 04331
; wrap up
04331 clearstatus                        ; S= ............
04332 goto 04326
04326 delayed select group 0
04327 rom 1
00730 0 -> s9
00731 1 -> s10                           ; S= ..........a.
; display
00732 disptoggle                         ; =" 5432.10"
00733 goto 00622

00622 ...

00764 ...

00774 ...
00777 goto 00726

Anything that gets to 00531 is up to the display routine and about to go back into the wait loop.

See also:
HP-65 Display program step

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