The Cromix Boot Sector

Here’s what the Cromix boot sector (for Cromix 11.27) looks like and why …

                     Display of File BOOT1.BIN

000000: 3E 01 D3 40 38 04 97 08  16 31 21 00 01 01 0F 02 >..@8....1!.....
000010: 3E 7F D3 04 7A D3 34 79  D3 30 97 3D 20 FD DB 34 >...z.4y.0.= ..4
000020: 1F 30 FB DB 30 E6 98 20  D7 78 D3 32 7A F6 80 D3 .0..0.. .x.2z...
000030: 34 0E 33 3E 9C D3 30 DB  34 1F 38 05 ED A2 C3 B7 4.3>..0.4.8.....
000040: 00 DB 30 CB 67 28 B9 C3  00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..0.g(..........
000050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
000060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  43 4C 44 53 44 44 E5 E5 ........CLDSDD..

You can see the disk type label at bytes 120-127 (0x78..0x7F). It is a Cromix (“C”), Large (“L” aka 8 inch), double-sided (“DS”), double-density (“DD”) disk. If this isn’t present and correct then the boot sequence won’t work and parts of the OS and/or utilities will get things wrong. That doesn’t apply to early versions of CDOS or to CP/M but it does apply to CDOS 2.58 and Cromix.

It would be elegant if just changing those few bytes changed the behaviour of the boot sector so you could use the same program on all boot sectors; but it isn’t quite that good. Just looking above, you can see much of the sector is zeros – so there isn’t a lot of bytes for “smarts”. Despite that, it does have some tied to the “DS” and “DD” bits. Where it fails to adapt is if you copy (or WRTSYS) between disk sizes (5->8 or 8->5).

Here’s what the program does:

                 ORG 0080H
0080 3e 01       ld a,0x01      ; disable RDOS
0082 d3 40       out (0x40),a

0084 38 04       jr c,0x008a    ; if CY use supplied
0086 97          sub a          ; default disk=0
0087 08          ex af,af'      ; save for later
0088 16 31       ld d,0x31      ; default cmd=motor+8"+A 

008a 21 00 01    ld hl,0x0100   ; we're going to load to 100H
008d 01 0f 02    ld bc,0x020f   ; B=sector 2, C=restore
0090 3e 7f       ld a,0x7f      ; select side 0
0092 d3 04       out (0x04),a

0094 7a          ld a,d         ; 31=motor+8"+A (or supplied)
0095 d3 34       out (0x34),a
0097 79          ld a,c         ; cmd. 0F=restore+verify+slow
0098 d3 30       out (0x30),a

009a 97          sub a          ; wait 256
009b 3d          dec a
009c 20 fd       jr nz,0x009b

009e db 34       in a,(0x34)    ; wait for end of job, EOJ
00a0 1f          rra
00a1 30 fb       jr nc,0x009e

00a3 db 30       in a,(0x30)    ; check result
00a5 e6 98       and 0x98       ; notRdy+notFound+busy
00a7 20 d7       jr nz,0x0080   ; problem. try again. CY=0 btw

00a9 78          ld a,b         ; set sector (2 at start)
00aa d3 32       out (0x32),a

00ac 7a          ld a,d         ; motor+8"+A (or supplied)
00ad f6 80       or 0x80        ; turn on autowait
00af d3 34       out (0x34),a

00b1 0e 33       ld c,0x33      ; 33H is the disk data port
00b3 3e 9c       ld a,0x9c      ; read records, head load
00b5 d3 30       out (0x30),a   ; send the cmd

00b7 db 34       in a,(0x34)    ; check for EOJ
00b9 1f          rra
00ba 38 05       jr c,0x00c1    ; read all sectors to end of track
00bc ed a2       ini            ; read bytes to HL...
00be c3 b7 00    jp 0x00b7      ; loop until EOJ

00c1 db 30       in a,(0x30)    ; check result
00c3 cb 67       bit 4,a        ; the "not found" bit
00c5 28 b9       jr z,0x0080    ; error. try again
00c7 c3 00 01    jp 0x0100      ; all ok. run what we loaded.
00ca 00          nop
00cb 00          nop
00f6 00          nop
00f7 00          nop
00f8 43 4C 44    DB 'CLDSDD',0xe5,0xe5
00fb 53 44 44
00fe e5 e5

There’s a number of interesting things here:
– it only loads the rest of track 0 (CP/M and CDOS use tracks 0 and 1 for 8″ and 0-2 for 5″)
– it loads to 100H; instead of somewhere high
– despite my statement earlier, it doesn’t care about “CLDSDD”. (Other things do)
– it depends of the CY flag at startup (and A and D)

Cromix is loading into bank 0 of memory. It has all of bank 0 to itself, so it can load anywhere it likes. In CP/M and CDOS, 100H is reserved for user programs.

I don’t have (and haven’t created) a disassembly of RDOS0312; but there is one for RDOS0252. It contains:

C0FA:	CALL	ckesc	; look for escape
	CALL	setsel
	LD	A,(77H)
	CALL	ptfol
	DB      CR,'Standby',CR+msbon
	JP	80H

You can see the value in D getting created (setsel), a value being saved in A’, and SCF just before running the boot sector. “ptfol” prints the following bytes (until one with the most significant bit set, msbon=0x80). CRs get printed as CR, LF. “setsel” builds a bit combination based on whether you’re booting from an 8″ or 5″ drive, which drive it is, and whether it is single density or double density. All those smarts are in RDOS (probably just based on what you typed in as the RDOS command/s or defaults).

For my purposes, to boot without RDOS, I patch the boot.hex program I use with z80sim to “NOP-out” the “JR C, 008AH” line. This means it boots from a single density, 8″ track 0 in drivea.dsk. The image on the disk is unchanged so if you boot a disk within cromix – the SCF override still works.

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